
Babies - 5 year olds

Our youngest children have a more traditional Bible class.  The overall theme for the preschool is "Jesus loves the little children." Each age group has their own classroom and each classroom has a different decorating theme.  The nursery theme is "Jesus loves the children at the farm." The one year old class theme is "Jesus loves the children at the zoo." The two year old class theme is "Jesus loves the children at the campground." The three year old class theme is "Jesus loves the children at the beach." The four and five year old class theme is "Jesus loves the children in the neighborhood."

Faith Farm

Kindergarten - 4th grade

West Seventh's children’s program is based on a rotational model, which is driven by Biblical concepts being presented in a variety of creative ways. Stories and engaging activities are the vehicles of teaching, and the rooms are used to enhance the environment to help recognize children as multi-dimensional, with God-given multiple intelligences. The goal is to train our young ones in a way that helps them better retain Biblical principles and fosters a sense of discipleship.

Click here to read the full article explaining Faith Farm.


The Tween ministry is designed specifically for grades 5 & 6 to help them as they grow and develop a lasting, real relationship with God.